There were other items I learned from "Pioneer Girl," and a few other books that were surprising, even to me. For discussion sake, that is, if anyone is reading at all, I thought I'd share some items I found surprising or that others told me surprised them.
Warning: Spoilers ensue:
1. Jack didn't go on Plum Creek with the Ingalls family
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Brindle Bulldog (Not Jack) |
The real Jack didn't even make it out of Kansas, at least not with the Ingalls family. When Charles sold the family ponies to have money for their move back home, Jack was sold right along with them. Jack was fond of those ponies he walked all those miles behind, and would rather go with them then with the Ingalls family.
Some of the stories about Jack in the "Little House" books
2. Laura may not have been old enough to really remember Jack, anyway
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Laura Ingalls Wilder - Long after Jack was "sold with the ponies." |
When you consider Laura was only about three or four when the family was squatting on the Kansas Prairie, she probably wouldn't have been old enough to remember much about Jack. Indeed, Laura relied on family stories to fill in a lot of the details of the Kansas Prairie and the Big Woods of Wisconsin. I think it's wonderful that there are so many wonderful stories to pass down to the generations. While some families' history is lost forever, Laura ensured her family's legacy lives on forever.
3. Laura's rag doll wasn't named Charlotte
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The original "Little House" |
Remember Laura's beloved ragdoll, Charlotte? Her name wasn't Charlotte, it was "Roxy" or "Roxey" - both spellings were used in Pioneer Girl. Roxy was a gift for Laura's fifth birthday and it was the first time she had a doll of her own.
When Laura was living On the Banks of Plum Creek
Roxy went home with Anna - and Laura found her in a puddle the next time she visited the Nelson's. As Laura wrote that she kept Roxy "so carefully that she still looked nice" you can imagine what it would have been like for her to find poor Roxy face down in a puddle, a victim of the elements and an ungrateful child.
4. Mr. Edwards (or whatever his name was) didn't hold off an angry mob so Charles Ingalls could claim his land.
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The grave of Edmund Mason, the man rumored to be the real Mr. Edwards. |
We'll probably never know who the real Mr. Edwards was or how many times the Ingalls family encountered him during their lives. However, one thing that was revealed in Pioneer Girl's annotations is that Mr. Edwards never held back an angry mob so Pa could stake his claim in DeSmet, SD. Laura said that was a made up element of her family's sago to illustrate that such things happened all the time in the untamed West. Pa was actually able to file his claim without incident.
5. The Ingalls family had a house guest when they wintered at the Surveyor's House
Now, I knew the Ingalls family had house guests during the The Long Winter
Mr. Ogden asked if the Ingalls wouldn't mind putting him up during the winter and allowing him to keep his oxen in their barn. Charles Ingalls felt it wouldn't be a bad idea to have another man around out there in the middle of nowhere, just in case.
There would be a third man around that winter as well. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boast also had a claim just outside of DeSmet but had no where to winter. There was another one room structure included with the Surveyor's House and so the Boasts and all their possessions stayed there, and the families visited often throughout the winter. In fact "Pioneer Girl" tells a fun story about how the Boasts had everyone over for New Year's dinner and the dinner guests had to go out the front door and to the back door to get to their spots at the table, since room was so tight what with a bed and chairs and tables and all.
The Boasts' were Ingalls' friends for life. They seemed to be best friends not only for Charles and Caroline but the entire family.
6. Charles Ingalls skirted the law when it suited his purpose
I always hesitate when adding information that may be a little controversial. Even though I formed a few not so favorable opinions about Charles Ingalls and the choices he made, I am the first to admit he had a solid work ethic, and his choices were mostly made for what he felt was for the good of his family. He was a devoted father and husband, and did what was needed to survive. With that said, it's equally important to note Pa did skirt the law from time to time, when it suited his purpose. That's not a judgement, but it is a fact. I will let you draw your own conclusion about Charles Ingalls' character.
Squatting on Native American land
It's no secret the Ingalls squatted on Native American land just outside of Independence, Kansas. It's speculation, of course, but Charles most likely wanted to get a head start on claiming a good piece of land before the rush was on. However, the fact remains the Native Americans weren't gone yet, and the Ingalls weren't supposed to be there - and so they were asked to leave.Running out on the rent
There was the incident in Burr Oak, Iowa when Pa packed up the family in the middle of the night to flee the rent. The family had moved to Iowa where Pa was to be partner in running a hotel. However, he never received anything for his work there and when the family moved out of the hotel to rent a home, they just didn't have any money.When the family moved back to Plum Creek after staying in Burr Oak, they did so without settling up the rent that was due. Mind you, Pa did ask his landord first if he could send him money after they moved and he found work, but the landlord was worried that would never happen and said no. Pa took issue - after all he always paid his debts -and he woke his family in the middle of the night, packed up the wagon, and made it to another county before daylight.
Pa said he'd "be darned if he'd ever pay that rich, old skinflint Bisbee a cent."
Pretending to be the law to collect a debt
There's another incident in which Charles Ingalls acted above the law, though I'm sure he felt it was for good reason. In essence, Charles was fighting crime with crime - and whether one was better than the other is up to the reader I guess.Pa worked as Justice of Peace before moving to DeSmet (and later on after settling in DeSmet), and I guess he still had some of his official looking papers with him. When workers started clearing out of the area ( just before that first winter was spent in the Surveyor's House), Mr. Boast approached Charles because he had sold a team of horses to a man who left town without paying. (Hmm...that sounds kind of familiar.) So Charles Ingalls, resourceful man that he was, took out his old "Justice blanks," wrote up a summons (that he wasn't authorized to write), gave a fake Sherrif's star to a friend of Mr. Boast, and sent the man to find the horse thief.
Payment ensued soon after.
7. Reverend Alden might not have been so trustworthy
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The Reverend Edwin Hyde Alden |
I recently came across something interesting on Wikipedia about the Reverend Alden - and it was confirmed in Pioneer Girl. Did you know good reverend had a bit of a bad reputation among the Native Americans? You may recall Rev. Alden as being the Ingalls' beloved pastor on Plum Creek and giving the first church service in DeSmet, SD. There were also some sketchy episodes in Reverend Alden's past.
According to an article in the New York Times from August 15, 1878, the Native Americans didn't trust Reverend Alden. He was working as a Native American Agent and committed several acts of fraud. In fact, the Native Americans considered him a "prince of liars" and threatened to kill him if he didn't go away.
Also according to the article Reverend Alden was a "pious fraud and cheat" who swindled. An annotation in Pioneer Girl goes on to explain he drew money for carpentry work and kept it. He also kept his wife on the payroll. Needless to say, that line of work didn't work out for him and went back to work as a missionary.
What I find interesting is the Ingalls family liked the Reverend Alden much better than the devout Reverend Brown who eventually led the Ingalls' congregation in DeSmet. However, it's not surprising. The Ingalls family was drawn to colorful characters and the Reverend Alden surely had some good stories to tell.
8. Laura and Mary didn't argue over stuffing
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Mary Ingalls |
I loved the story about Mary and Laura arguing about whether or not there should be sage in The Stuffing That Never Was, because it reminded me of arguments with my sisters that were just so silly and petty. According to "Pioneer Girl," the girls "almost" argued but never actually made it to the argument over stuffing stage.
Laura created the fake argument to illustrate the stress Laura and Mary were feeling after caring for a house filled with boarders during the spring rush. The house was finally empty, Pa was going to find them a goose, and Laura and Mary were walking away their tension. I probably would have found something stupid to fight over too.
9. Ma wouldn't have let Laura visit the Silver Lake railroad camp with Pa
In "By the Shores of Silver Lake
10. Laura and Almanzo Wilder may or may not have spent some time living in a cave
I talked about this in my last post - but I still don't know what to make of it. In "I Remember Laura"
The above are some items that will surprise people about Laura Ingalls Wilder and her family. Indeed, many of them surprised me. This is only part one of the surprising Laura stories. I have so many notes from all the Laura books and biographies read over the years, I'll share them all here with you.
I'm really enjoying this exploration of Mrs. Wilder's life. I hope as time goes by, you will use the comments section to add to the discussion as there's nothing I enjoy more than "Geeking Out" about Laura and family with others.
All photos on this page are via Wikimedia Commons and fall under the Creative Commons or Public Domain.
Thank you for providing all this great information - and the photos! It really is a rude awakening to now know my childhood heroine was a...fraud. That most of the material in her books was Rose Wilder Lane's fanciful elaborations of Laura's skeletal recollections (or downright fabrications). And that Laura used her Aunt Martha's memories as her own, while giving her no credit. Poor Jack! I only recently learned about THAT bit of fiction - poor old faithful Jack dying of old age - NOT! From "The Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder" edited by William Anderson (2016), we find on Page 7 that the Wilders rented a house in Mansfield for TWELVE YEARS, and Almanzo was the town drayman, delivering products for the Waters Pierce Oil Company. Almanzo's parents eventually BOUGHT THE HOUSE FOR THEM, and Almanzo later received "funds from the elder Wilders' estate." So much for pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and "never receiving help from anyone"...slaving away on their FARM. Also - Rose cheated on her taxes for years: "Libertarians on the Prairie" by Christine Woodside (2016). A couple of sneaky women were both Rose and Laura, touting themselves as pure and noble - Laura's letter to Rose: "Change the beginning of the story if you want. Do anything you please with the damn stuff if you will fix it up." ...And all the while telling her fans that "everything is true, everything really happened." Wow.
ReplyDeleteI think I read that the Mansfield house took about 15 years to build before they moved in, so it's not a big shock that they rented. I'm sorry you are so hurt over Laura and Rose collaborating to create stories of pioneer life.
DeleteI cannot say that Laura was a fraud. Her books were aimed at children and although I am now 72 and still read the Little House Books, I find them endlessly interesting. What would be the point of writing the so called truths? It is still something to think about that pioneer life was not easy and you had to work hard. My husband and I visited the "little house on the prairie" some years ago. Of course it had been rebuilt and it was shocking how very tiny it really was. Nothing like Michael Landon's house. Think what you may but I for one love Laura's books and frankly I could care less if Rose cheated on her taxes, or Laura and her family did what they did to survive.
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ReplyDeleteI don't really care of some of her books were not 100% accurate. I love these books. I have learned so much from them as a child. She was my childhood hero. There have been times in my life when I had challenges and I would think of Laura and what would she do? Would she turn away or take it on. Then I would move forward. I love her books and always will.